about me

I have spent my career assisting with the release of stored emotions and traumas that manifest physically. If you’re looking for treatment that heals deeper in mind, body, and spirit, this is the relief you’ve been searching for.

have a question?

  • Because Body Empath specializes in prenatal massage, you can start from day 1 of pregnancy.

  • You can expect to get out of the session whatever it is you’re needing. Each session starts with what you’re experiencing and how I can help during treatment so you know exactly how you can expect to feel afterward.

  • You are considered full gestation at 37 weeks and that’s when you can schedule you’re first induction. If this is your fist baby, it is suggested that you start right at 37 weeks to signal the body that it’s time to start getting ready for delivery.

  • massage during pregnancy helps with swelling, fatigue and mood swings and physical comfort.

  • yes it is when working with someone who specializes in prenatal massage.

  • False. There is a common misconception that massage can cause miscarriage if administered in the first trimester but you and your baby are perfectly safe during treatment anytime during gestation. Those who are not properly trained and certified will not allow for bodywork during first trimester which indicates a lack of knowledge and education and they should be avoided as prenatal massage therapists.

